California Tree Squirrels

Have you seen me?
Participate in a real scientific research project that will map tree squirrels throughout California!
Why help?
Two of California’s four day active tree squirrel species are native to the state while the other two species have been introduced over the past 130 years. You can participate in a real scientific research project that will map the current distribution of squirrels throughout California to determine where an introduced species may negatively impact native species.
Just download the app on your Android phone, or visit California Tree Squirrels on Facebook.
The iPhone app is coming soon!
Or email us the species, date observed, and location observed (GPS coordinates OR street address) at californiatreesquirrels@gmail.com
Similar Species
Remember that tree squirrels are found in trees. Don’t confuse them with ground squirrels or chipmunk!
California ground squirrel
California ground squirrels are approximately the same size as tree squirrels, but have a more rounded topline, and often have a white area along the back behind the shoulders. Their bodies are 9-11 inches long, with tails adding 5-9 more inches.
Golden-mantled ground squirrel
Golden-mantled ground squirrels are similar in size to the California ground squirrel. However, they have a more golden color and stripes along the sides of their bodies. Tree squirrels do not have stripes.
Chipmunks are smaller than squirrels, at 4-7 inches long, with a 3-5 inch tail. They have stripes that run from their bodies to their faces, unlike the Golden-mantled ground squirrel, whose stripes end before the face.
How to Report Sightings- It’s easy!
1. Flip through the photos of the squirrels in your app to identify the species you see.
2. Click “Saw it!”
3. If you are out of the cell coverage area your phone will still record your GPS coordinates. Just click “Send Saved Sightings” from the upper right drop down menu when you return to the coverage area to submit your sightings.
Download the app here: California Tree Squirrel Android App
Download a reference sheet here: California Tree Squirrel Poster