A History of Voting Rights in the United States
Black American men were legally given the right to vote in 1870, but countless practices kept them from doing so. Women demanded suffrage in the mid-1800s, but didn’t get it until 1920. Even then, women of color were still denied the right to vote. Native Americans did not get the right to vote in all fifty states until 1962, and were stopped from doing so even once it was legal.
Take inspiration from the fight people of color, women, and others led to obtain the ability to vote. Honor their legacy, be an active citizen, and help create a more perfect union by taking time to register and vote.
Check out the resources below to learn about the sacrifices Americans have made to have their voices heard.
For everyone: https://tinyurl.com/TheFightforSuffrage
Resources for teachers: https://tinyurl.com/VoteCompleteTeacherResources