Sunday, Sept. 13th, 2020
1:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Join us for our next California Imagism Project event as we travel through film to Campeche, Mexico, where an influx of transgenic soybean farms has had a devastating effect on the health of the local Mayan people, the land, and their bees. ¿Qué les Pasó a las Abejas? [What Happened to the Bees?] tells the story of Mayan activists Gustavo Huchin and Leydi Pech, who see the devastation pesticides created on nearby soybean farms and decide to stand up to make a change.
We will watch Adriana Otero Puerto’s magnificent film as part of the Freeland Film Festival. It is currently only available in the U.S. from Friday, September 11th through Tuesday, September 15th. Tickets are $8, and all proceeds go to the festival.
Immediately following the film, Director Adriana Otero Puerto, Activist Gustavo Huchin, and California Apiarist Jonathan Humphrey will join us to discuss the scientific, cultural, and transboundary human issues the film explores.

We will introduce the film at 1:45 PM (PDT) on Sunday, September 13th, and invite you to watch it through the Freeland Film Festival website over the next 67 minutes. We will begin our discussion at 3:00 PM (PDT).
At the end of day’s events, we invite you to protect native bee species, support sustainable agricultural practices, and build bridges with our neighbors in Mexico by creating a work of art inspired by the film, or participating in a community science project. We will share our work with Adriana in her quest to help the Mayan beekeepers of Campeche, and she may feature some of our projects in the Art for Bees gallery.
-1:45 PM PDT Introduction to the Film
-1:50 to 3:00 PM PDT ¿Qué les pasó a las abejas? [What Happened to the Bees?]
Stream from home through the Freeland Film Festival. You can place your order before the event!
-3:00 PM PDT Discussion with Director Adriana Otero Puerto and Apiarist Jonathan Humphrey, moderated by Carly Creley
Please direct all questions to Carly Creley at carlycreley@gmail.com
[Plain Text Links:]
¿Qué les Pasó a las Abejas? [What Happened to the Bees?]. https://en.abejascine.com/
Freeland Film Festival http://www.freelandfilmfest.org/
¿Qué les Pasó a las Abejas? [What Happened to the Bees?] at the Freeland Film Festival https://watch.eventive.org/freelandfilmfest/play/5f306a90572ac40029fdc5e7?fbclid=IwAR2rdtQF5d6rs8uJs7dCElt0RJTrDVtRuOCBC2seicnzp2HtrJM4C5spzlo
Discussion Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85142160119
Art for Bees https://en.abejascine.com/arte-abejas
How You Can Help Through Art and Science https://carlycreley.com/protect-pollinators/